Monday, April 20, 2009

Wicked Fast Runnahs

It's kind of impossible to be around Boston Marathoners for 4 days and not be inspired. I could feel the energy this weekend. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't the surplus of Gu and Powerbars. It's just something at the core of marathoners. They're disciplined, motivated, passionate, healthy. All such worthy goals to pursue and all such great reasons to train.

And then to be standing out there at the finish line today...
To share in the pride of Brian Sell's parents' neighbors who came out for the race...
To exclaim to a stranger that your friend just crossed the 10k mark...
To see a Team World Vision jersey on the jumbotron...
To cheer on Ryan Hall to the end...

Discipline, motivation, and passion are certainly involved. But I think it's the community of running, and cheering, that I like best of all.

Thanks for inspiring me.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Runners of the LA Marathon

May 25th 2009 marks our first year at the LA Marathon.

I want to give a shout out to the Team World Vision runners that are in the peak of their training. I have had the privilege of getting to know some of you, our team is very diverse, we have everyone from teen to later adult from doctors to students.

You are all running for children and communities that will be empowered because of what you are doing to raise money and awareness. I am very privileged to be apart of the team with you all.

We'll be at mile 12 cheering you all on race day!!!

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to fighting injustice!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Group trainings, Ryan Hall and..the Easter Bunny?

Hey team!

I want to give a shout out to our East Coast teams who held their first team trainings this past Saturday! Our very own World Vision HQ training for the Seattle Rock n Roll half (woot-woot!), Shelter Rock Church in Long Island training for Chicago and New York Marathons (you guys ROCK!) and a few of us getting an early start here in the Big Apple! (yea Central Park!)

Want to train but aren't aware of a group in your area? Check out our group training listings on don't see one in your area? Hollar at us to get one started!

My husband and I had an amazing time cycling in the Park yesterday. My first time with my new clipless pedals - and I didn't fall. Love it. Have I told you what we are training for? the NYC Tri and the Nation's Tri in DC. Nation's Tri registration is still open. (but is 95% full!) Join us! It's SUCH a blast.

Also, just for fun:
Check out this video of Ryan Hall on the Boston Marathon, Team World Vision..with a random visit by the Easter Bunny?